Monday, July 7, 2008

vast encompassing

reading or hearing about someone who is lonely, depressed or lost in a world of darkness,

it breaks my heart to see, or hear it.

it makes me want to be able to reach out to them and tell them that it will be okay, that life is going to still keep going, the world is still rotating on it's axis...but then it hits me...Most of what these people are going through, I have never had the faintest idea of what they are or may be experiencing.

and then light was shed into my bleak perspective,

that there is someone who knows ALL about what you are going through.

Christ knows how it feels to be emotionally, physically, and mentally sick. He knows your aches and pains; your thoughts of emptiness, sorrow, He knows the ups, downs, and loops of your emotional roller coaster. HE experienced every single paper cut we have had, He has gone through and suffered for everything that we can ever imagine.

So, when you feel like there is no one to turn to, no place else left to go, turn to Christ. His arms are always open, waiting patiently to embrace all that are willing to submit and Come unto Him.

Christ will always be there when you need Him; it is never He who has left you, but YOU who has left His presence. YOU, are the one who has blocked Him out of your life. Come back into the light and feel His love for you, embrace your Heavenly Father and His son, Jesus Christ. They are one in purpose....Come back and feel His love for you.

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