Saturday, November 22, 2008

Nov 22. Please would you?

Hey to whomever reads this, Please check this page out. My friend is having a hard time and was looking to see if anyone out there, our of the kindness of their heart would help him maybe get back on his feet. He is trying to raise some money to get a computer back so he can go back to school. Please check this out. 

People can read my story and chose if they want to donate or not.

I hope everyone has an amazing Thanksgiving break and week! I know I am going to.

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Nov 16. My own profoundness. ON Nov 18.

DONT WORRY about it love.
It will all work out.
Get in your zone of amazingness and remember that God is there for you and He has a plan for you. 
You will not be stressed if you just remember that He loves you and Has something for you.
I had some stressing stuff with scheduling as well b/c the times didn't work out for the classes I wanted to take for next semester. But I felt I should take some other class at a different time and thought:
maybe it is His intervention and it made it much easier.

when it feels like satan is just trying to make a situation worse don't let him get down and just think and remember that it could be the lord helping you along the way to something that He needs you to do for him! that it is the Lord's way of intervening in your life and letting you know that you need to go somewhere else, because there is someones life you are supposed to influence. and He needs you to do His work, by being their angel.
That it is the Lord's way of letting you know that you need to go somewhere else, because there is someones life you are supposed to be in and influence. 

and He needs you to do His work.

WOW I wrote this while talking to a friend of mine the other day and realized, that instead of writing it for her, I was actually writing it for me. I was the one that needed to hear all of this. It still amazes me how I figure things out these days...