Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Finishing Pineapples and Limes: wonderful day

Here is the progression of my painting the pineapples. The top left one is bothering me so I need to fix that, it's too, something, I don't know yet, but it needs to be toned to the right colors of the color scheme I have got going here. But my first Pineapple I was super afraid of how it was going to look, but as you see in the first picture it isn't too bad. I was very proud of myself. And for other art going on I have also posted here a few pictures of what I have of my three of washes; a flat wash, graded, and a mixed.

Here is my plan for the washes that I will be doing. Hopefully it will be ready for when I go to class. If not, then hopefully Sister Ellis will be nice to me. I really loved these three colors and how they worked together. It made me happy. I liked doing it on a smaller scale too, it was a little easier, but going bigger will help me with experience and going places with watercolor. I am so excited about this class.

Here is the real deal. So now to finish it all off and make it become what I want it to. Finished pictures to come soon.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Limes, Simple Object, chart: Sept 26 2010

Here are the newly updated and better looking limes. NOW to start working on the pineapples and get them up here as well.

This one, with the balloons is titled, "Free Entanglement".

Structure Geology Field Trip: second week of school

Here are a few pictures from my field trip that I went on when I missed class. I enjoyed it all and being able to be out camping and seeing these awesome things. ENOJY!!

A thrust fault of Chugwater siltstone( the bright red)

Water color 251: limes galore and a few pinaps

For my 251 art class we were given this assignment and here is a few pieces of it. final and others to follow.